“Don’t you have any guilty pleasures?” [Innocent, m’lud]

Jon Hall
2 min readMar 10, 2021

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📚📚📚 Reading Time: 2 minutes 📚📚📚

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I mentioned yesterday about people asking about what you eat when you do what we do for a living.

And often being disappointed.

Because it’s fairly normal — just creating a balance and not too much.

Another question we get asked a lot is “Don’t you have any guilty pleasures?”

And we know what they mean.

Don’t we eat anything that they consider “naughty”?

And the answer is “No”.

Not because we don’t eat those things.

Not that we don’t have those “pleasures” in our life.

It’s the “guilty” bit.

“culpable of or responsible for a specified wrongdoing”

There’s no “wrongdoing” happening there.

Nothing to be guilty about.

If we’re going to eat something we have two ways of doing it.

1. Enjoy it

2. Enjoy it initially and then feel bad about it

I know which I’d rather do.

The “guilt” is entirely of our own addition.

If we know we can make it work as part of a weekly average, then we can just enjoy it.

Even if we can’t, does feeling “guilty” help?

If it does, crack on.

If it doesn’t, could we just question our overall approach to the week to make that average work?

Without any “guilt”?

Much love,

Jon ‘As Charged’ Hall

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Jon Hall

Dad to Oli, Izzie, Jamie and Charlie, husband to Alex ad Chief Ninja @ RISE